Sustainbility Fund


The purpose of the Sustainability Fund is to provide grants for projects that improve the environmental sustainability of Claremont McKenna College. These grants allow students to pursue innovative and entrepreneurial ventures at CMC that increase sustainability and environmental awareness, and have the potential to yield positive returns on investment.

FundRequirements / Eligibility: Those eligible for funding include all students enrolled at CMC. This does not include students studying abroad or doing other internship programs far away from the campus. Specific criteria to receive funding can be found in the application, linked below.

Amounts: Up to $2000.

Annual Deadline: Deadline every semester. Refer to application, linked below. Funds are allocated on a first-come, first serve basis, and awardees will be notified within one month of submission.

Examples of projects: Previously funded projects include ReRoom, GreenWare, the Sustainable Dining Intern position, Garden Cultivation Program, the Impossible Burger Event at Collins, among others.

Contact: Bryan Williams (Chair of the Sustainability Fund)   

The application can be found here. More informatin found here.