Welcome to ASCMC!

 The Associated Students of Claremont McKenna College (ASCMC) is the official student government of Claremont McKenna College. The primary mission of ASCMC is to serve, represent, and lead the CMC student body through direct advocacy work, inclusive programming, and campus organization funding. ASCMC is comprised of an executive board and a student senate. 

The Executive Board consists of both elected and appointed positions. Exec is chaired by the President, and meets weekly to discuss long-term projects and endeavors of the organization, as well as to fund campus events at the Claremont Colleges and at CMC. Members of Exec work closely with administrators, faculty, staff and students to advocate for initiatives and policy changes to promote a more equitable and inclusive CMC community. Permanent committees led by members of Exec include the Events committee, the Diversity & Inclusion committee, the Budget committee, and the Residential Life committee. Additionally, each class president has a cabinet to carry out class programming. Descriptions of ASCMC’s Executive Board positions can be found in the ASCMC constitution. 

The Senate is chaired by the Executive Vice President. Any CMC student can become a senator simply by attending the first meeting of the semester and maintaining senatorship through consistent attendance. Senate is tasked with passing resolutions to influence institutional policy, funding student-led initiatives, and bringing in administrators and other college stakeholders for town hall discussions. Senate has five standing committees: Administrative Affairs & Appropriations (AAA), Academic Affairs (AAC), Environmental Affairs (EAC), Community Service (CSC), and Student Life (SLC). 

Ultimately, ASCMC works to elevate student voices in pursuit of a more equitable and inclusive CMC community.