9:30 AM09:30

Outdoor Initiative: Deep Creek Hot Springs

Deep Creek Hot Springs (9/19)
When: Saturday, September 19th
Leaders: Christina Cobb & Henry DeRuff
Length and Difficulty: 2 miles each way, steep moderate/strenuous hike

We’ll leave school at 9:30am Saturday morning and drive 1.5 hours to Bowen Ranch. The hike from Bowen Ranch to the hot springs is about 2 miles and takes about an hour. We’d then have lunch (which will be provided by a pack out!) and swim around in the hot springs and nearby creeks. The hike back would take about 2 hours, because it’s mainly uphill. Ideally we’ll be back in time for dinner.

Warning: These hot springs are frequented by nudists.

SIGN UP HERE FOR THE HOT SPRINGS:…/15apnGmX4jsWncxzyw04WeX…/viewform…

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8:00 PM20:00

SSPEAR First Meeting

We're SSPEAR (yes, it is a really long acronym: Sustainable Students Promoting Environmental Action and Responsibility), and our name pretty much sums up our goals for our campus and community.

First meeting: September 16 in Phillips lounge at 8 PM 

Anyone is welcome to attend!

To learn more about us, check out our website:

Hope to see you soon!

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